1、> 上海证券报社
近年来,上海证券报社锐意改革,着力打造“立足全球资本市场、传递权威财经信息、服务广大投资者”的财经资讯服务商形象;积极拓展新媒体事业,在成功推出了中国证券网的基础上,抢占市场先机,推出手机资讯、音视频节目等新媒体系列产品,实现从传统的财经媒体向“现代多媒体财经传媒”的战略转型,努力成为中国最具影响力的、全媒体财经资讯服务商。About Shanghai Securities NesShanghai Securities Nes (SSN), the first daily nespaper specializing in stock market in China as founded on July 1st, 1991 ith the reestablishment of Chinese stock market.Wholly oned by Xinhua Nes Agency, SSN is the government designated channel for disclosure of Chinese-listed panies, banks and other financial panies by China Securities Regulatory Commission, China Insurance Regulatory Commission, and China Bank Regulatory Commission. SSN is the most influential authoritative financial nespaper in China.Basing its development on the principle of “for the investor, by the investors”, SSN endeavors to realize a variety of functions: disseminating on-time, independent and unbiased market info, facilitating investors’ education and service, etc. After several years\ operation, SSN has on great reputation among its readers and bee the leading nation financial nespaper ...
5、> 上海证券报社
近年来,上海证券报社锐意改革,着力打造“立足全球资本市场、传递权威财经信息、服务广大投资者”的财经资讯服务商形象;积极拓展新媒体事业,在成功推出了中国证券网的基础上,抢占市场先机,推出手机资讯、音视频节目等新媒体系列产品,实现从传统的财经媒体向“现代多媒体财经传媒”的战略转型,努力成为中国最具影响力的、全媒体财经资讯服务商。About Shanghai Securities NesShanghai Securities Nes (SSN), the first daily nespaper specializing in stock market in China as founded on July 1st, 1991 ith the reestablishment of Chinese stock market.Wholly oned by Xinhua Nes Agency, SSN is the government designated channel for disclosure of Chinese-listed panies, banks and other financial panies by China Securities Regulatory Commission, China Insurance Regulatory Commission, and China Bank Regulatory Commission. SSN is the most influential authoritative financial nespaper in China.Basing its development on the principle of “for the investor, by the investors”, SSN endeavors to realize a variety of functions: disseminating on-time, independent and unbiased market info, facilitating investors’ education and service, etc. After several years\ operation, SSN has on great reputation among its readers and bee the leading nation financial nespaper ...
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