The first gray type (advanced: h = 1), hitenization eight function for
The second gray type (more advanced: h = 2), hitenization eight function for
The third gray type (general level: h = 3) hitenization eight function for
The fourth gray type (lo-level: h = 4), hitenization eight function for
(4) to calculate and evaluate index belong to the second class h a gray type of evaluation coefficient, among them.
(5) evaluation index belong to the second class h a gray type of grey evaluation right, among them, because h = 1, 2, 3, evaluation indexes for the gray type of grey eight vectors notes for. Grey evaluation eight matrix
(6) aording to identify the index eight vectors and grey evaluation eight matrix get prehensive evaluation matrix. Aording to the maximum membership degree principle, can get engineering project investment in all not easily quantification factors have efficiency prehensive evaluation results, bined ith the front of real options value, using pound formula, can then be set project of real value.
5,Example analysis
A construction project plan to use six years for construction of high-end residential projects, to phases plete, the first phase of development to 15,000 yuan, is expected to invest 30 million yuan each year can produce the cash flo, after three years if the market situation, development phase, valued at investment 18,000 yuan for construction, the fourth annually starting from produces 10,000 yuan cash flo. Including risk the discount rate is 10% and the risk-free rate of 5%, ine volatility is 40%, ask dare investment plan is feasible.
Analysis: the residential project is divided into to phases, investment in the first stage investment purpose is tempted market, application NPV method to calculate, the second stage investment because of building enterprise promising market, ith flexible decision-making, obtained a options. This project investment in-flo 15,000 WanYuanYuan for investment, annual cash flo for 30 million yuan, the last six years, promising market after the fourth phase construction investment beginning again 18,000 yuan annually, cash flo is 70 million yuan and lasts for three years. Calculation is as follos:
Application of B - S option pricing model can be used to calculate second groth option value
2774.3 yuan for the put value still should consider not easily quantified factors (such as managers factors, policy factors, the geographical factors, petitive factors, other technological factors) play the efficiency
Experts number of 5 people, each factor efficiency evaluation matrix for
Aording to this matrix calculation procedure aording to above may have grey evaluation eight matrix
So, for the final score, so each factor efficiency 93%.
So the project reality by formula for project feasible price.
Will real option applied to phased project investment projects, the investors aording to the actual situation of project to create the put value, achieve the option of flexibility.
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