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    We all kno that the Scottish men ear skirts, trousers little, e may be very fe people kno that Europe and the United States has not let omen earing trousers.
    Once upon a time, earing trousers Western Europe and the United States men's rights, omen's trousers can not. If there is any oman ould dare to ear trousers in the street through the streets, aiting for her to the police as arrested. At that time, the 11,2-year-old female from the aist it is necessary to start, then the standard American aistline is 18 inches. Therefore, small aist girls bee a pulsory course, aist and corset dress up a standard of "fashion." There are countless omen as an adult aist and pelvis deformation died in childbirth.
    150 years ago, a oman's pants go don in history as born. It is the first generation of female Amelia knoledge. Jane Cox's design. The Turkish-style pants have. Jane Fox to use it against the aist and corset dress up, but immediately attracted a munity of abuse: Jane Cox obscene, immoral, is a itch. As a result the design, such as a meteor-like flash.
    The first dare to omen earing trousers is Mary. Edard. Walker, she is the first oman doctor. She civil ar in the United States had been arrested several times to ear trousers. Finally, the matter has been referred to the Hong Kong Congress, members of Congress after a heated debate over the final because she's superb medical skill and the National Institute for the military exploits hehe, Congress decided to adopt legislation to give her the privilege - to allo the United States Military Medical Mary. Edard. Ms. Walker at ork earing trousers.
    By 1932, the famous American film star Marlene. Terry also flute as a result of ear trousers to alk the streets in Paris, caught the police station. Police ant to "corrupt morals" crimes Marlene detention. Terry flute. As a result of omen's rights to molecular demonstration outside the police station, under pressure, the police only as a last resort, she ill be released.
    At that time, people think that omen earing trousers is a bad oman! World War II, so that omen can not be earing trousers - that has been a headache for the hypocrites rights police finally solved the problem. The harsh ar, so that more and more omen ear the naturally make it more convenient pants. In this ay, pants became the Western Europe and the United States omen's dress, in historic fashion omen aounted for the Kingdom of the place. Thus it can be said of the Second World War, Western Europe and the United States to the female fashion has brought a great revolution.
    Today, Western Europe and the United States despite the mainstream culture is still the main skirt, trousers, but has gradually bee formal, informal and elegant omen's fashion category, not to rebel, cutting-edge, the edge of the face appeared. Women can ear pants any oasion. Pants no has bee a symbol of Western Europe and the United States omen.



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